Lic. No.: 1308/074/75 Reg. No.: 174805/074/075


Care Professional Service - Training

We continuously improve the specific characters to implement the mission of the workplace along with their performance. Our company prepares candidates to meet every requirement of the employees and delivers the right kind of people to the right job.

We warrant your success!

To find quality job opportunities for people, whether they are skilled or unskilled, we trained those people to make them professionally fit. We trained the people to supply efficient and honorable youth as per the company demand. We aim for people to fit professionally by enhancing their skills and specialization in the various fields as per our training session.

Our organization has that potentiality that helps in the improvement in the productivity of the manpower for the required position in the respective company. We provide a variety of training options based on the needs, preferences, and capabilities of our candidates. Documents, visa processing, trade, technical knowledge, security, hospitality, manufacturing, mining, mechanical, electrical, electronics & communication, civil, facility management, aviation, logistics, oil & gas, Agriculture, and English language training are all covered by our training institutes.

Employee training and their development are one of the most important parts for both skilled and unskilled manpower in achieving either short-term or long-term goals and objectives. Care Professional Service provides training to increase the employee’s confidence and motivation. Our organization provides the full information on skills, knowledge, and feelings required for foreign employment. We are always responsible to provide quality services to you that meet with the respective company.